For a better orientation within the content, we use three main approaches: we developed a visual guide by icons, which you can find on every page that belongs to a work step. Moreover, we reduced the amount of text to ease your focus on the task. We linked further material or guidelines to do the course as a multiplier and developed examples, of how the learning outcomes can look like.

The structure of the SDD modules is always the same, so that you do not waste time on understanding a new structure.

SDD1Initiation phase – Identification of principles and ideas
1.1Mission, vision and values
1.2Selection and precision of information
SDD2Analysis I – Environment and Organisation
2.1S.W.O.T. analysis
2.2Stakeholder analysis
SDD3Analysis II – Defining concrete strategies
3.1Decision for concrete strategic options
3.2Finalisation of the strategy plan
SDD4Construction I – Goals and indicators
4.1Definition of goals
4.2Development of a Balanced Scorecard (BSC)
SDD5Construction II – Planning
5.1Phase planning and milestone plan
5.2Definition of first steps

Each module starts with an introduction. It contains an overview of the content, the definition of the learning goals, materials you need to do the module and further information for multipliers. After this opening, there follow always two units. The units deliver instructions for multipliers and single learners, necessary information to do the required tasks and the tasks themselves. You find a task always behind the expression “Your Turn!“. The mentioned examples help you to understand also complex challenges. At the end of each module, we included a short self-assessment. Here is the place to reflect on the solutions you found and deepen your learning process.

Initiation Phase

Analysis I – Environment and Organisation

Analysis II – Defining and selecting concrete strategies

Construction I – Goals and Indicators

Construction II – Planning

Formal information about the unit

Learning gals of the unit

Results of the unit

Instructions for the unit

Material you need


Instructions, hints and tricks for multipliers