Let’s learn something about goals. Goals define a future state, which we want to reach. No management would be possible without concrete goals. Some goals are very abstract, that is why we have to break them down into concrete, little goals. We call the first named type of goal overall objectives and the others sub goals. We develop goals in two steps: firstly, we define one overall objective and a specific number of sub goals (not more than five to seven) in Unit I. Within Unit II, we will secondly find indicators and index numbers to make these goals measurable.
In Module SDD3, we defined an idea of where you want to go. Now, we think about possible sub goals to come there. Therefore, again, we have to ask us some questions and find some answers for them:
Which concrete goals derive from our strategic goals?
How can we check our goals with the s.m.a.r.t. formula?
The participants need their strategy paper (result of SDD3). Use the presentation SDD4_Construction I to explain the frame. Explain what s.m.a.r.t stands for and how the participants can use it. It will be difficult for the participants to formulate goals in the past tense, because we tend to formulate the in future tense. However, the past tense is necessary to allow the direct comparison of actual and future state of the school. Point out formulation mistakes and support the development of adequate formulations.
The participants have two main tasks to do within this step: they define and check goals and they decide, whether they have a short-, mid- or long-term perspective.
Definition of Goals | 90 minutes |
Formulate goals for your school strategy: what do you want to reach? How can you define this state? Which interim goals might be on this way? Check each single goal with s.m.a.r.t. formula from your checklist!
When you finished the definition of your goals and the list of your goals it well with your strategy plan, you sort the goals. Use the categories short-, mid- and long-term. Afterwards, define indicators that prove the goal achievement. They will help you later to control that you proceed with the realisation of your ideas.
Short-term goals goal achievement in 1 year or less
Mid-term goals goal achievement in 2-3 years
Long-term goals goal achievement in 4-5 years