Istituto Di Istruzione Superiore Professionale “Rosario Livatino”
Digitalisation strategy developed by Istituto Di Istruzione Superiore Professionale “Rosario Livatino”
Digitalisation strategy developed by Istituto Di Istruzione Superiore Professionale “Rosario Livatino”
Poor digitalization of teaching
Insufficient motivation and use of ICT tools during classes
Students’ superficial knowledge of ICT
Inadequate sharing of best practices at school and outside
Need to create a stable group of teachers used to work with ICT and that cooperates with the school digital team and test teaching methodologies.
School Ministry created the digital animator and imposed digital improvement to school. National and European projects and resources were put in order to provide or develop digital equipment and training for digital team and teachers
Our school provides a basic preparation useful to help students enter the labour market.
We aim at creating conscious citizens able to face professional, personal and social challenges in the modern society.
Our students, often at risk of dropping out, have particular needs that we have always met with individual training courses, also using ICT if requested.
We always try to respond to such needs more and more efficiently, also by means of a regular, aware and large use of ICT; at the same time, we try to give answers to local demands (development of the European key competences; vocational education complying with the labour market necessities; greater inclusion).
The steady relationships we have with local companies should furtherly improve through a survey of local needs and the following implementation of innovative, national and international projects. We actually think that cooperation with local agencies and the labour market offers good opportunities to share experiences for the benefit of all partners.
Key players:
Teachers1: strongly motivated, trained, with a great sense of belonging to the school and willing to share their mission. They aim at having an equipped school; well equipped classrooms; satisfactory outcomes for work; update and really useful training courses; a more collaborative environment. They propose attractive lessons, engagement.
Students need: socialization, attractive didactics, edutainment; more work at school than at home; more lab activities than theory; adequate education for their future jobs.
Administrative staff need: a good organization of work; a more collaborative environment; their role to be better defined.
Local administration: requires citizens’ satisfaction;continuous.
Local health authority: the school to effectively apply individual programmes for students with special needs/ and factual cooperation.
School Ministries: want the school to follow the ministerial guidelines; an effective and clear communication with schools; the school to respect the budget; updated teachers.
Teachers 2: resistant to change teaching habits.
Local Cultural Organisations and representatives of the civil society (Technical vocational training institutes, work placement projects), other schools. Interaction with the environment to fully exploit local resources.
Comprehensive High School students should be well oriented for adequate future choices.
Technicians want a well equipped school; better cooperation with teachers; quick replacement of broken components
Companies1 (for the Dual Training System): proper students’ behaviour; students should use at school the same tools/machineries they work with during internships; some of them would like to contribute to students’ education even during school years.
Parents require: reliability, security, good education for their children; non-mandatory school supplies (uniforms, payment of the voluntary contribution to support school expenses); more respect of the school rules and regulations.
Janitorial staff: better defined roles; improved cooperation with teachers.
Companies 2 (providers)
Former students and teacher would like to feel again a part of the school; to cooperate for sharing their experience; to be a useful guidance for future choices.
Although our digital team can use ICT quite proficiently, we think we need:
- more testing in class;
- improved competences for the development of digital teaching;
- to balance innovative teaching with more traditional didactics;
- an informed use of digital tools also in relation to security;
- awareness of ICT potentialities and their versatility;
- cooperation among teachers, knowledge and development of competences;
- to reduce paper documents in administrative and in teaching activities.
Local companies for dual training system: workshops, mails, meetings (40%).
Cooperation partners: Local Administration, Local Health Authority: local events, meetings, mails, newsletters, Skype conferences (10%).
School Ministry, Region: mails, newsletters, school website (5%).
Local Cultural Organisations (as Tourism promotion office, G.A.L., association aiming at the promotion of local initiatives, ...): meetings, mails, social networks, local events (35%).
School Network: school website, meetings, network, Skype conferences (10%).
Other actions taken:
Meetings with families and students to motivate and make them aware of opportunities, potentialities and new teaching methods.
Internet connection problems (Palestrina) and poor digital equipment (Cave). Fibre.
Teachers’ turn-over.
Byod. Classes held in lab.
Strategies for the Digital Education
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