The third week of July was chosen for the third transnational meeting of the STRIDE Project. The meeting was hosted by Galway Technical Institute (Galway and Roscommon Education & Training Board), where the partnership reunited again to set and analyze the milestones of the project.
The meeting began with the welcome and school visit of GTI. Following this, the Institute of Technology and Education of the University of Bremen followed with the identification of the training materials that will constitute the training path.
During the meeting, the partnership worked on elaborating the most optimal template to collect the best practices, as well as on how to effectively implement the training path.
The web community platform was the other important point of the agenda, focusing on how the website would be structured and how it will be promoted to maximize its impact inside the educational community.
We concluded setting the dates for the next transnational meeting: 16th and 17th of November in Ankara.